Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Genomes evolution

Genomes and Their Evolution by prehealthhelp

Gene Regulation

Gene Regulation by prehealthhelp


Biotechnology by prehealthhelp


The Molecular Basis of Inheritance by prehealthhelp

Mitosis and the cell cycle

Cell Cycle, Mitosis,Chaper12 by prehealthhelp

Respiration and photosynthesis

Metabolism - Respiration by prehealthhelp

Metabolism at the cellular level

Chapter 8 - Introduction to Metabolism by prehealthhelp

Cell Communication

Cell Communication by prehealthhelp

Tour of the cell

Chapter 6 - Tour of the cell by prehealthhelp


Chapter 5-large biomolecules by prehealthhelp

Water and Carbon

Chapters 3 & 4- Water and CArbon by nomas616

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chapters 1 & 2, study help.

Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 - Chemistry and Life

Welcome aboard the premed boat!!!

There are three things that all pre-health students share:

1. The goal: of becoming a health provider, whether that is physician,  nurse practitioner  physicians assistant, dentist or pharmacist: We all want to serve.

2. The requirements: before we are even accepted at our respective professional schools we must all take at least two and a half years of crazy science courses, pretty similar across the board, that are difficult and require lots of time and energy investment. In most cases, the grading does not reflect our effort. 

3. The struggle: between typing lab reports, staying awake in class, preparing for that test, submitting the mastering homework, getting to your volunteering on time, and/or signing up for research, we really have no time to have a real "life". I bet you spent a lot of miserable time exhausted in front of the computer, trying to work past your brain thinking limit. 

I want you to know that you are not alone. There are thousands of us trying to become the next generation of  health providers and we are here to help each other. 
In this blog, you will find answers to homework assignment from classes others have taken already and that fit the pre-med requirement curriculum  I will post worksheets with answers, vocabulary sheets, reviews, any form of material that helped me or someone else, and may help you. 

My goal is to create a community of pre-med students who share studying resources in order for ALL of us to ace the classes. Hopefully, we will also share experiences and anecdotes so that any incoming freshman or non-traditional student may learn from our steps. 

Stay tuned for some great material.